Saturday, December 19, 2009

Disneyland Bracelet Leather

Snow on roofs ... ... Lintever Snow on

Snow has taken the campaign a beautiful white coat ... roofs are not spared ...
It's nice when everything is white ... it's also nice when it melts ... panels have been cleaning them free and automatic!

Alloderm Gum Grafting Cost


Thursday, December 3, 2009

John Deere* Wallpaper

An assessment at 11 months of operation

Our 34.32 kWp photovoltaic system installed since January 9, 2009 will celebrate its first birthday in a month!
balance after 11 months of Operation:
36,000 kWh produced and reinjected into the local network of EDF.

And do not forget ... The ultimatum

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gay Public Toilet Free Movie

Energy Day at The Farm 17 November 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Poptropica Credit Cheat

Tuesday, October 20: tomato plants

With spring, we took our tradition of transplanting tomato plants in pots. Several children were retouched pots painted the previous week with more or less paint (plenty for most!). Between showers, the children enjoyed the sun and playing with the "chainsaw" and carts and bin sand. Inside, they are disguised, have played the dough to shape and build a house. The girls listened to stories and the boys did puzzles. Many people, lots of fun!

Can Braces Cause Tmj?

young visitors to the school's big oak Pontivy

The visit on the theme of sustainable development has enabled us to speak with young people (of a second tray of livestock pro big oak) of our achievements in the field of renewable energies and sustainable tourism.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How To Tattoo Solid Black

Thursday, October 15: decorating pots

On this rainy day, we stayed quietly inside. The children helped me make the dough, then they kneaded and worked well. The boys once again dressed as superheroes. The puzzles have been popular. Babies have played with our little toys "Francophone". We highlighted the final day Emmanuel, who will start school next week Archipelago. He brought us a good chocolate cake, delicious with fruit salad! After the songs, we decorated earthenware pots. They will be used next week to plant our herbs.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Optive Eye Drop For Contct Lenses


  • Which surface occupy the panels on the roof?

    The covered area is 264 sqm on the exposed southern slope of the roof is 15 degrees

  • What is the power of the photovoltaic plant?

    The total power of 34 200 toilets for a production of 32,000 kWh estimated

  • What about the electricity?

    Electricity is fully sold to EDF is obliged to buy it for 20 years at a contract price (EUR 57.18 cts in 2008 and indexed annually)

  • How has cost the facility?

    190 000 euros ht

  • How is it funded?

    A loan of EUR 128 000 over 9 years to 4.25% fixed subsidies for a total of 30 000 euros, a flow of 32 000 euros

  • Is there a contract redemption?

    Yes, EDF is bound by a contract that requires him to buy electricity for 20 years

  • What happens there after 20 years?

    panels are still producing, electricity will be sold at market conditions in 20 years or be self-consumed (electric cars ...)

  • How many years does it take to recoup an such a project?

    9 years to repay the loan over two years to trace the flow = 11 years

  • What is the annual production?

    production forecast is 32000 kWh per year, the annual revenue expenditure is estimated at 18,300 euros (57.18 cents per kWh price 2008)

  • production for 2009 allows it to repay the loans and fees ?

    Yes, actual production for 2009 is higher than expected, it was already late September and 32,000 kwh should carry at least 35,000 kwh at the end of the year

  • Is that the panels lose efficiency over time?

    The manufacturer guaranteed 80% of production to 25 years. We can estimate a production loss of 0.8% per year

  • Does it work in cloudy weather, fog, drizzle, during full moon?

    As shown in the graphic production, sunshine is the main factor of performance. The less light, the less it works: better showers followed by sunny as the drizzle and fog all day, as soon as the sun sets the installation stops and the moon is not powerful enough to restart

  • Is the south exposure is necessary?

    The south exposure is best, with a roof pitch of 35 degrees, but with a lower slope due south as it works, and with an orientation slightly east or west and a positive slope

  • Should special insurance?

    insurance panels on hail damage, fire, hurricanes are the same kind as that secured the buildings and the cost is 300 euros per year. A peculiarity Our contract with the GAN is to have a dilapidated contractualised 1% per year. An operating loss in case of damage is also taken out to cover the downtime for a year (the time to rebuild the building)

  • Must purchase an extended warranty for UPS?

    The manufacturer SMA offers an extended warranty to 20 years. We have subscribed for an additional charge of 1 / 3 of the inverter nine (1500 euros more per inverter). This service is optional but the weak link of the system is the inverter that may fail before the panels. One can choose to accrue this amount on production of the plant especially knowing that the price of UPS has dropped sharply since 2008

Friday, September 25, 2009

Incest Gay 'dad Or Father'

Inauguration of Friday, September 25, 2009 Views

Thanks to many friends, farmers, neighbors, merchants and elected officials who came with us to inaugurate our facility ...
Thanks also to all friends near and far who have apologized and sent us a word of encouragement ...
For those who arrived at night or have forgotten come, an overview of the external facilities ... ...

Tan Before Wax Or Wax Before Tan?

Gourmet Buffet on Local Products

Buffet ... appreciated ...
in the spotlight with local products,
embellished creations of artist friends ...

Fruits and Vegetables Quélenesse - Cléguérec (Marie-Jo and Tudual Auffret)
Fruits and Vegetables of Belle Fontaine - St. Bridget (Isabelle Le Foll)
Lemonade, Fruit and Nuts Penhouedo-Neulliac (Jo Garin)
Rapeseed oil, jams Cavalry St Gonnery (Fabien Gicquel)
The Pork Charcuterie du Breuil - Cléguérec
Potatoes and Apples - Farm Lintever
Crepes Creperie Label Gourmet - Stival
Cakes Salty Chambers guest Kerponner-Neulliac
Juice Apples of Kermabo-Anne Guerroué - Guidel

Other ingredients come from businesses Cléguérec in particular Shopi, Rivalain, Dynal ...

Thanks to Jean-Marc Vernus, Jocelyne Vernay, Claire Morris, Delphine Lamotte, Vanessa and Stephane Cariou for
paintings and creations.

Spanish Flea Tv Theme Tune

Guest House with their finery for the occasion ... Inaugural speech of Nicolas

Sleep-eze Regular Dose

Forgot Nicolas - Friday 25 to 18:15


I was a storyteller, I would start by tell you a story. This story would begin with "once upon a fairy" and it would be a story, you guessed it, the history of the magic of electricity.

How this fairy she magically changed our way of life? This is the story of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, electricity is distributed throughout the twentieth century and it is essential that we now .

Here in Lintéver, she got a little weak and it took until 1955 to be fed. Reconstruction after the 2nd World War was long and the campaign had to wait.

But today, in just over half a century only, that is a long way since the farm itself produces electricity using photovoltaic panels installed on the shed. Technology after the conquest of space!

How did we get here?

Our approach is detailed on the notice boards in the shed, I'll summarize it.

In 2007 it was the beginnings of reflection:

· holiday in Bavaria, where there was a lot of solar panels,

· An awareness of climate change with Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" and also as a farmer being in tune with the effects of climate change (drought, floods , hail ...)

· The European economy, which sets ambitious targets of 20% electricity from renewable sources by 2020. Which obliges member states to implement measures in this direction, for example by the dried incentive redemptions.

· Participation in a meeting organized by the Chamber Corlay agricultural and leading to the formation of a working group led by Sophie Beausire to the chamber Agriculture Pontivy. This group of fifteen motivated farmers will create competition and speed things up: one year later, electricity production will be operational for 8 of us.

In 2008, the year of the implementation of the project Through the working group:

· meeting with installers from a guide specification and choice of installer by each of us

· Comparison of banking services and insurance contracts

· Information about legal forms, contracts for the purchase by EDF

· Meeting with ERDF

· Rendezvous with the council ...

From our side, we undertake to submit our application to the ADEME, which calls for photovoltaic generation project in May 2008. On this occasion we got the active support of local elected officials: Mr Marc Roper Mayor Cléguérec, Mr Serge Moello, General Counsel, Mr. Jean-Pierre Le Roch, Regional Councillor and Chair community of common Pontivy. We thank them once again. The record is filed on June 15 from ADEME.

Always mid 2008, we sign the quotation with IEL, Local Initiatives and Energy in LANNION for installation of 34 320 watt peaks of a $ 185 0000 euro.

same time, we ask Banque Populaire Atlantique for the project. The loan of EUR 128 0000 is signed, the rest is self-financing 30 000 euros in grants (general council, regional council, ERDF Europe) and 32 000 euros of equity capital.

We also solicit

Gan Pontivy (Thebault Talhouet agency) to ensure the panels and negotiate an operating loss in the event of stoppage of production.

The big day arrived in November 2008: the delivery of funds panels Germany. Then everything comes together very quickly mounting and connection in December on 09/01/2009. IEL should be commended for keeping time looking.

On 9 July 2009, the first invoice was sent to EDF, which has settled on a st August.

That's the historical part, now see how it works: the photovoltaic effect is the production of an electric current through the action of light in a material derived from the electronics industry: the silicon. Then the current is converted into alternating current three phase inverters. This current is then injected into the EDF via the counter sales. From the second billboard, I will comment on the graphics production (daily, monthly ...)

Today September 25th we produced 32,000 kWh, the forecast for 2009 is therefore the financial balance Installation is reached and the rest of the annual production will come as a bonus.

is encouraging for a first year and we are comforted in our decision. We produce clean energy locally and gives us confidence in the future.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cara Trade Fire Red Dengan Gold?

Tuesday, September 15: costumes and pieces!

On a beautiful sunny day, the little rascals have played a lot outside. Claude has prepared an activity with test tubes and pipettes where children can mix colors. This has been a huge success! He first took a few moments for children to understand how the pipettes were working, but once they realized they had a serious air to their mix, it was to see! The children left the costumes, superheroes have many bad guys in jail! The slide and the "monkey bars" were also very popular, "Jacques said" a little less, we have kept their attention a few minutes ... Long enough to laugh by cons!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mitzvah Dresses For 13 Year Olds

Thursday, September 10: exit at Kiwi Valley

Small lads went to visit the farm Kiwi Valley this week. They loved petting the rabbits and Cochin crazy. They then strolled to feed the donkey, sheep, chickens, ducks and goats. They also made a one trick pony or horse. There was a mother who dared to climb it Audrey! After a little picnic, we had a contest to launch the boot. You could see that some are very talented! Attention, not to replicate at home!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wrestling Singlet Toronto Ontario

Tuesday 1st September: Father's Day

To mark Father's Day, the little rascals could play with the beard shaving, doing carpentry and tinkering a little box with pencils. Jake used the shaving cream to be transformed into a monster fragrant! Prisca, Philou, Margot, Loulou and Christian were perhaps not monsters, but they were still well covered! The Family Corner has been well used, as well as the corner puzzles and play dough and sand. We had just time to pack before the rain falls! The sun was back for reading time and still make some slides on the slide before returning home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Does Cervical Mucus Occur

Thursday, August 27: racing bullets

Audrey has prepared a great journey in the sandpit, the children were thrilled to be racing ping pong balls. They also did a great castle built with tunnel (handy for passing the balls!). They then built telescopes in the corner yourself. Add to that a little reading, trains, songs and play dough and you have a very successful session!

Monday, August 24, 2009

What Supplies I Need For Diaper Punishment

Tuesday, August 25: 3-2-1 Firing!

Large and small have sung the song of little lads with good enthusiasm today. Keane has made a large cardboard box that had already been changed into a rocket. The children are well amused to add buttons to control and paint with large brushes. Some productions have also made on paper. As it was raining, we did not spend much time outdoors. Trains and puzzles have found so many users, as well as the corner of the dough. It felt so in an Italian restaurant there was spaghetti on the plates!

Do Wireless Routers Cause Cancer

Thursday, August 20: Painting pictures

After painting their paper monster last week, the little rascals are spent painting on canvas today. The result was very pretty, that the medium used was the peinceau or straw. They are now very good with this technique! Moreover, railways and roads were built. The boys have worked to build a wooden house for a while. The smallest have spent much time in the dough to shape it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Semi Trailer 7 Pin Wiring Schematic

Tuesday, August 11: Monsters!

On Tuesday, we've made monsters by blowing paint with straws. A little hyperventilation for a few, but the result was successful! The children were especially well attended and have a good time. Several were then dressed to play the superhero. The bad guys were in a prison built for the occasion. Smaller helped knead the dough to shape warm. We had a visit from Clotilde, who was previously with Sophia. The children also listened when she told stories.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Does Walgreens Sell Black Shoestring Licorice