Friday, September 25, 2009

Tan Before Wax Or Wax Before Tan?

Gourmet Buffet on Local Products

Buffet ... appreciated ...
in the spotlight with local products,
embellished creations of artist friends ...

Fruits and Vegetables Quélenesse - Cléguérec (Marie-Jo and Tudual Auffret)
Fruits and Vegetables of Belle Fontaine - St. Bridget (Isabelle Le Foll)
Lemonade, Fruit and Nuts Penhouedo-Neulliac (Jo Garin)
Rapeseed oil, jams Cavalry St Gonnery (Fabien Gicquel)
The Pork Charcuterie du Breuil - Cléguérec
Potatoes and Apples - Farm Lintever
Crepes Creperie Label Gourmet - Stival
Cakes Salty Chambers guest Kerponner-Neulliac
Juice Apples of Kermabo-Anne Guerroué - Guidel

Other ingredients come from businesses Cléguérec in particular Shopi, Rivalain, Dynal ...

Thanks to Jean-Marc Vernus, Jocelyne Vernay, Claire Morris, Delphine Lamotte, Vanessa and Stephane Cariou for
paintings and creations.


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