Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blood In Stoolinfection

Week Week

To celebrate the release of final installment of Harry Potter, the Little Rascals are organizing a discovery of some magic spells (explosive) and spells (attraction) that our "mistress" potions ("Severus Snape Fred") came Based at our Castle PoudlardBlockHouseBay.

course, there's always the usual activities: climbing structures, ropes courses, and songs ...

In VIP guests we had Batman (at least 3). But where is Robin??

The photos are from Tuesday here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Manfrotto 3221 Weight

Magic Miscellaneous Olympics

With chocolate medals has the key for athletes!

Take a look at photos to see moms (few courageous) in sack race ...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mosquito Bite Or Herpes

October 2010

Some photos because they are worth it ...

Hentaï With High Heals

Weeks "bubbles"

Helene tries a recipe glycerine + water + liquid + sugar dish that has seen success entirely honorable. The bubble machine was debited, cheeks were swollen and we broke out the bubbles!

The evidence here photo.

How To Claim Money With No Relatives Living

Tuesday, October 26 was the birthday 'Priscilla! The buccaneers

Valentine had made a special cake low calorie has dropped even as it remained Dahlia table to finish everything and qu'Auxane took over! This is better than fruit salad, is not it?

photos of the feast here.

Milena Velba [bus Pickpocket]

go at sea and its dangers ... The Little Rascals

Louise and Priscilla dippy do on carpet. Helen at the helm of the boat pitching and rolling, it makes your arm muscles!

More tofos here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dri Glo Cloth Nappies

musicians! The little rascals

A very è s big thank you to Mona-Lynn for the activity e this week. Everyone had a great time e to make br ... music, the smaller are the biggest!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Nylon

weekend going to the farm

Today, despite a very threatening weather, some brave brave the weather to go Ambury farm. Well we took. First, it rained before and after but not during and thugs were more than happy to run outside for the first time in years. At the appointment, of milking cows, lambs to feed, pigs, pigs puppies, horses and mud ... Yeah, it's funny mud puddles!

short, a good time this Sunday morning. We start next month has Rangitoto and this time it will be fine on it and we can picnic.

very nice photos of Sophie with almost everyone above are available here if photos more focused on my kids (sorry) are available by clicking su album below.

Small lads weekend go to the farm

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sim City 4 1.1.638 Patch

Les Petits Lascars make mobile

Today, little rascals have made mobile (almost) alone.

Les Petits Lascars make mobile

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Period Before Period Starts

Les Petits Lascars PREPARE Father's Day

Look how they are concentrated ... And moms are to ensure the grain. Beautiful gift prospects.

Les Petits Lascars PREPARE Father's Day

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mastebates With Electric Tooth Brush

Small rogues in Richmond Road

Today, like every year, the little rascals went to see the big Richmond Road School. Some of them will join them next year.

Small lascars RHA has

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boxers Under Swimwear

Les Petits Lascars has Motat

Today the small lads were ballads Motat. On the agenda: a short tour by tram between both sites, the discovery of the secrets of Motat and especially a nice picnic. Provided he does so beautiful Thursday!

Les Petits Lascars has Motat

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Doujin-moe Members Login

Small rogues make cookies .. .

The photos speak for themselves ....

The Pl cook cookies by Delphine

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hp Bios Update To Enable Onboard Vga And Pci

Best month since the start of production

What month of June! Production in May 2009 (5195 kWh) is widely exceeded by that of June 2010 (5463). The sunshine of the month was correct and very good first half in the second half. However on the second half and especially this week, we can observe a loss of production due to heat (29 ° max) estimated at about 20 to 40 kWh per day. This beautiful June offset a mediocre May.
end of June 2009, the plant has produced 20,508 kWh over the same period in 2010, to 20,828 kWh is therefore not observed yet lost due to soiling of the panels or aging. It remains to be refined over time.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ninja Turtle Foot Pajamas


Le guide des installations photovoltaïques - suivi production photovoltaique

Guide photovoltaic

Monday, May 31, 2010

House Warming Invitations Bible Verse


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

False Id Consequences

Thursday, April 29: Birds

Today it is with great pleasure that we studied the birds of New Zealand. Grace has a CD of birdsong, a clock that mimics different bird calls every hour and our most beautiful French songs, we were "in the mood" to create true masterpieces for our business decoupage-collage.

Philip and Sebastian share their work with us.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kenmore Parts 219103rd

2010 at Pierre-Yves LE ROCH 16 and April 17, 2010

Pierre-Yves LE ROCH, Installer Council PHOTOVOLTAIC
invites you to an "Open House" at its premises in
Friday, April 16 from 14h to 19h
On Saturday, April 17 from 10am to 17h

You can explore the 22.6 kWp PV system in operation, and
different examples of installations in private homes and businesses .

A cocktail will be offered Friday, April 18h at

For All contacts and information:
PY Le Roch - SOLAR +
ZA Kerponner Villeneuve Postic
56300 Tel: and


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Was Lorena Herrera Really A Guy?

European Solar Days of 3 to 10 May 2010

The farm participates in LINTEVER

To find events being held near you, go

Friday, March 19, 2010

College Indian Costume

New: Training in Renewable Energy at Lycee Blavet Pontivy

"Renewables" in high school Blavet

An additional comment, the only one in the academy will open next September in the vocational school. Programme: photovoltaic, solar thermal, wood energy, etc.. The additional comment

Blavet The school has been authorized by the department to initiate an additional comment on "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency". One of the seven teachers in power engineering, Philippe Robic, has also participated in the development of this new formation. The professor went for it every month since last May in Paris to floor with four other teachers, five inspectors and professionals.
Two options are proposed. One will focus on photovoltaics and small wind turbines. The other is solar thermal, wood energy, heat pumps, cogeneration (boiler producing heat and electricity for example).
Students and professionals concerned
The training is designed for students who hold a vocational baccalaureate or a professional certificate. It will take place alternately, with sixteen weeks in business. During this period of training, the school will offer training. It welcomes professionals wishing to train or perfect these advanced fields.
Students and adults involved should not have difficulty finding opportunities. Renewable energy is increasingly requested. Unless there are "many defects because many companies are not developed," says Gilbert Rannou, the headmaster. "Companies are a party in there very quickly, seeing that there was a niche to make," added Philippe Robic. The sector is currently cleanse themselves. "Professionals are awaiting training. It's new. "Fifteen seats

Fifteen students are involved this additional comment, which will take place over one year. The class will be filled quickly, as eight students have already applied Blavet. Because they know there will be "a recognized degree at the end," says Rannou.
This training and those of other branches of this school building will discover Saturday, March 20, during the open of the institution. 9 am to 17 pm, 43 rue Charles Gounod, Pontivy. Contact: 02 97 25 35 40.
Ouest-France 19 March 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Desnudo Mayte Carranco

The 40 000

This is a new level of production reached 40 000 kWh of electricity clean . And speaking of cleanliness, I went for a walk on the roof to ex aminate panels: they are almost as sharp as the day of installation. The snow melting and falling from the roof, boarded the dust and the glass is transparent to share what bird droppings. The February production is the same as that of February 2009. The installation type "Solrif" or photovoltaic tiles is identical to the laying of the slate: the bottom of the top panel is placed on top one below. Snow is not hindered in its descent as it is an aluminum frame overhang on 3 sides of the panels (top and side) but the stick aluminum bottom panel is under the panel the fact that there is no edge, therefore no accumulation of dirt at the bottom and corners.
Pictured above is the side of my left hand side down to my right hand and then the aluminum bar is in the cells:

I think when the panel is
entirely surrounded by a frame (pose "butt"), dirt are subjec ent accumulate in the bottom and promote crescents this moss and lichens as can be seen in this photo found on Internet (Googleblog: ). It is not among us: